1 min read

Towards smart manufacturing and deep learning

In human society, machine learning has been used to solve complex problems for years as a result of the computer capabilities and the sensing technology that is available.There will be major impacts on the field in the near future due to developments in artificial intelligence and data-driven approaches.These technologies include search engines, image recognition, biometrics, speech recognition, handwriting recognition, and natural language processing, in addition to medical diagnostics and financial credit ratings.With artificial intelligent manufacturing infiltrating our world, and our lives, in particular, there will no doubt be many challenges.

Many nations have integrated and applied new-generation information technologies into the manufacturing sector, leading to national advanced manufacturing development strategies. If you look at Germany for example, the USA for CPS (Cyber-Physical Systems), China for Made in China 2020, and Internet Plus Manufacturing.Smart Manufacturing and the Smart Factory are able to provide real-time access to all the manufacturing process information across all manufacturing supply chains.

It is being predicted that erp system hong kong will be the next Industrial Revolution.Like other technological innovations over the past few years, it all rests on the ability to contextualize data and connect data to context.Smart technology cannot be achieved without both intelligent system support and data science technology support.

These eleven papers selected for this special issue present a range of perspectives and approaches with implications for theories, models, and algorithms used in intelligent manufacturing.Through these research studies, manufacturing processes and plans can become more accurate, human resources can be saved, and computational load can be reduced so making decisions can be made more intelligently using big data.