CBD Oil – How it works against Anxiety?
CBD is a chemical compound typically found in cannabis plants with many other Compounds. Research has proved that CBD oil is a better drug to alleviate Anxiety.
NIDA( National Institute of Drug Administration) states that CBD oil is a very effective medication for reducing Anxiety in animals. FDA( Food and Drug Administration) also supports the effectiveness of broad spectrum cbd oil canada.
CBD For Anxiety
In 2020, researchers tested more than 300 patients with different ailments to know the ability of CBD for many diseases. The patients who suffered from Anxiety or mental disorders showed significant improvement. This experiment proved that CBD is a more effective medication for Anxiety than other drugs that leave some side effects on human health.
CBD For Social Anxiety Disorder
Researchers experimented on different people to test CBD for Social Anxiety. When you feel hesitant to attend particular events of life or fear going to a gathering, it means you are suffering from Social anxiety disorder.
The result of this experiment was positive. The patients who suffered from SAD showed many good results. They showed normal behaviors when they went to the gathering after treatment.
CBD For Generalized Anxiety Disorder
In 2011, researchers tested the effectiveness of CBD for Generalized Anxiety Disorder(people feel worried or fearful about trivial things though they do not need to worry about these). The result was clear patients showed positive responses after this experiment.
CBD For Posttraumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD)
It also proved with the experiment that CBD could be used to improve PTSD symptoms, including nightmares. But full Spectrum CBD( mixture of CBD and THC) is better than Isolate CBD( pour form of CBD)to treat PTSD.
CBD Oil Dosage for Anxiety
Experts suggest the amount of dosage depends on your body’s needs. But the small amount is better for beginners. The best dosage amount of broad spectrum cbd oil canada is;
For Social Anxiety Disorder: 300 milligrams to 600 milligrams in public stimulation
For Generalized Anxiety: 25 to 75 milligrams
For sleep disorder: 25 to 75 milligrams
For Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: 33 to 49 milligrams
After consulting doctors, you can take this amount of CBD oil to eliminate anxiety disorders.
CBD oil is an effective treatment for anxiety disorders. If you want to use CBD oil for Anxiety treatment, you must consult with doctors about your problems and tell them that you want to use CBD oil instead other drugs. He will suggest a better dosage amount according to your ailment.